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Store Specific Shopping Tips For Super Savings

Store Specific Shopping Tips For Super Savings

You have your affordable international package forwarding service in, but that is only half of the equation in getting truly great deals from US retailers. If you want to get the most out of your money, you are going to want to devise strategies and tactics to get the lowest price from your favourite online retailers. Luckily, we have thrown together a crash course of ways to save money specific to some of the more popular US online retailers: 6PM, Ebay, and Newegg. Use these tips when you do your shopping and you can rest assured that you got the best bargain possible, with the best mail forwarding service possible.

How to Save Money at 6PM

If you have ever been to 6PM, you know that it has an absolutely staggering selection of clothing and shoes. You also know that the vast majority of their merchandise has already been significantly marked down from the MSRP by 20% to 60%. So you may think there are not many ways to save even more from this already affordable retailer, but you’d be wrong.

Tactic 1: Sign up for 6PM’s mailing list. 6PM has been known to send out coupon codes to its email subscribers, which can yield an additional 10% to 20% off. If you’re not in a hurry to buy something, you might want to try signing up for their emails, and then sitting back until a coupon drops in your inbox. At this point you are ready to pounce on 6PM and get the best deal you can.

Tactic 2: If you are not too keen on giving 6PM real estate in your email inbox, you can subscribe to their Twitter page as an alternative. 6PM will occasionally tweet out a coupon code. Be careful though, 6PM’s coupon codes expire fast. Not only are they only eligible for a short period of time, they are also only eligible for a limited number of uses. This means that if you wait too long to use a code, it may be too late, even if the expiry date has not yet come and gone.

How to Save Money at Ebay

Ebay is a totally different animal from most internet retailers. You can find things on there that simply cannot be found anywhere else. A few hours of trolling search results on Ebay can present the opportunity to buy items that are no longer being manufactured, one-of-a-kind items, and items at prices which are much lower than retail. We could write an entire blog post about Ebay alone (and we probably will). But in the interest of brevity, let’s focus on a few key ways to get the most out of the world’s greatest auction site.

Tactic 1: Search for misspelled versions of items you are looking for. If you are looking for a specific brand name or item, try different common misspellings of it in Ebay search. This has a good chance of leading you to product listings which don’t get a whole lot of site traffic because they have been hidden from people searching for the item with the correct spelling. This lack of site traffic means that there will be less people bidding on the item in question, which means an ultimately lower selling price. There are tools you can use to quickly find misspelled versions of your desired items on Ebay. is an example of a site where you can type in your desired item, and it will return misspelled Ebay search results for you to capitalize on.

Tactic 2: Haggle. Look for the symbol indicating that a seller will consider a best offer below the buy-it-now price. This indicates that the seller is open to haggling and you could land your desired item for significantly less than the asking price. Even if the best offer symbol is not present, you can still try haggling by simply asking if the seller will consider what you are willing to pay for your desired item. The seller has the power to change or implement the buy-it-now price to reflect the deal you have struck. This works best on auctions which have existed for a while and have no bids.

How to Save Money at Newegg

If you have any significant interest in computers or electronics, you have probably at least heard of This online retailer specializes in computer hardware and accessories but you can find almost anything there now. What’s more, they are fierce with their discounting and coupon distribution. At any given time there will be dozens of coupon codes available. However, the vast majority of these will be for specific items. They do release site-wide coupons every now and then, but much less frequently and primarily during summer and autumn. It is also worth noting that the product specific coupon codes are usually for computer parts.

Tactic 1: Sign up for Newegg emails. This is the single easiest and most effective way of having access to all of the coupon codes Newegg has to offer. You should have multiple coupon offers coming to you each month. Just let them pass by until a coupon for something you like shows up.

Tactic 2: Combine coupon codes with products which have instant rebates for super savings combos. Newegg allows the use of discounts from coupon codes to be used in tandem with products which offer rebates. Use this to your advantage by buying a product with a coupon code, and then checking their Rebate Centre to see if your product is listed. This way you can get savings before and after the purchase.

There you have it. Go to these websites armed with brilliant ways to save, and you will have much more money left over to spend on the silly things that make you happy. Stay tuned to our blog in the future for more online retailer specific tips to use in tandem with your favourite US package forwarding service,